5 simple WEBSITE MARKETING Strategies for Beginners

Marketing is the foundation of your business. A strong foundation always holds the building firmly. It does not dismantle or fall off easily by the toughest of the harsh storms. There are various types of digital marketing; Website Marketing being one of them. 

Now, let me brief you about what is a WEBSITE? 

In simple words, a website is a means to communicate information about the company to potential clients and customers locally and worldwide. It is basically a collection of web pages in a common domain name published at least on a single web server. 

You are free to add as many web pages as per your requirements like contact information, About Us, Home, Product/Service page, etc. 

There are various categories of websites; however, the most common ones are: 

E-commerce Website

The E-commerce website is a medium to educate about the services you provide to the consumers. It gives a detailed view of your business operations. It helps in business expansion as the website can be accessed by people worldwide. It allows online sales and purchases with different payment methods that the company offers. There are more than 2 million e-commerce companies across the globe, among which amazon.com, ebay.com, Flipkart tops the list.  

Non-profit Website

It is the best way for a non-profit to showcase its cause through a website. These websites are mainly used for trusts, charities, religious communities, and environmental groups. The primary purpose of non-profit websites is to people aware of their work for humankind, the environment, and any particular cause. This generates customer loyalty as the work done by the non-profits is assembled on the website.  

Educational Website

An educational website is essentially an LMS (Learning Management System) website where instructors or teachers can conduct online classes and engage with students virtually. These platforms are considered to be very helpful as it has topic related resources for education. Online tools in the website make it easy for both teachers and learners and compassionately supplements classroom teaching.  

Crowdfunding Website

Crowdfunding websites offer an accessible service for people to pay online as little as $5 to the project of their choice. These websites generate revenue for their projects from the people who like to invest. Some of them are Kickstarter, Indiegogo, and GoFundMe. Companies or charities individually prepare campaigns to raise funds for their cause by offering people a variety of benefits related to business investment, revealing their cause if it is for charity. 

Portfolio Website

A portfolio is a digital representation of your skills, achievements, and strengths in your area of interest. It helps people to recognize you as an Author, Writer, Ethical Hacker, Artist, etc.  

Blogging Website

It is a means to disclose your creativity put forth your thoughts on any particular topic via blogging. A blogging website is a collection of all your writing pieces, articles, and blogs. You can create traffic, build credibility, inspire the audience through videos, talks, writings, and start a conversation through a blogging website.  

Corporate Website

Corporate websites essentially engage people in your company and start a conversation regarding what services you offer. It is a digitally constructed building of your company and cannot be interpreted by any other social media platform.  

Entertainment Website

An entertainment website helps to develop quality content for the targeted audience in their area of entertainment interest. Nowadays, many people are interested in roast videos, memes, edited funny videos, learning with entertainment videos, and many other contents. Few of the top entertainment websites are listed as YouTube, Netflix, and Amazon Prime. 

Terms & Tools in Website Marketing

SEO is a tool to optimize your website’s visibility.  

Content Optimization is very much necessary. It should be the primary focus of any organization to optimize their content by targeting keywords, using simple language to reach a maximum number of people. 

Email Marketing helps you reach a greater audience via emails. It is a marketing strategy to revamp your web traffic. 

PPC Management plays a crucial role in online marketing. It helps in boosting traffic through Google ads, Facebook ads, etc.

Video designing enhances your website’s visibility as audio representation, and visual representation attracts the masses quickly. 

SEM stands for Search Engine Marketing. It helps in website promotion through search engines. It allows the websites to increase their visibility in (Search Engine Results Pages) SERPs. 

5 simple WEBSITE MARKETING Strategies for Beginners - Kreativ Digi Marketing

5 Ways To Have More Appealing WEBSITE MARKETING 

SEO: Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is an essential aspect while building a website. The use of proper keywords, descriptions, and metatags helps improve and boost the SEO score of the website. In general words, the better the SEO score, the better the visibility of the website. Thus, to ensure a good engagement and visibility of the business’s website, it is always recommended to keep SEO best practices in mind.  

Backlinks: Backlinks can be referred to as linking resources from other websites or mediums, similar to a citation. According to the researches, it is proven that the pages that have a high number of backlinks are more likely to get high organic search engine ranking resulting in better visibility.  

Influencers: The most common way to attract people to your business is to build trust in the brand. Using influencers to promote your website or product can be helpful to build the confidence of the influencer’s audience in the brand. However, this is one of the most effective, sometimes expensive, ways to promote your website and brand.  

Quality Content: One of the fundamental aspects of attracting and bounding an audience to your website is showcasing quality content. The originality and simplicity of the content is always a plus while writing quality content. The quality content is usually plagiarism-free and automatically boosts the SEOnscore and visibility of the website. 

Email Signatures: Everyone tends to send emails, and it has become a significant mode of communication. The organizations can utilize email signatures to indirectly promote and attract the target audience to the website, eventually boosting the overall engagement with the target audience.

While developing the email signature, you should keep in mind that the website linking should be present and hyperlinked for ease of the end-user.

Website Marketing Strategies to Follow

  • Conduct a site analysis
  • Mobile optimization
  • Map their journey
  • Develop email campaign
  • Leverage PP
  • Create high-value content
  • Know your audience
  • Evaluate your website
  • Paid Ads


So, this was a brief but explanatory article about website marketing. Many digital marketing agencies offer website building and maintenance services for companies.

 Build your website now with the help of platforms like (any service provider) 

 Create your own website now to represent yourself to the world.