How do businesses use IGTV?

As digital marketers are aware of the fact that video is one of the most essential and effective content options for social media marketing.

According to Cisco by 2021, 79 percent of Internet traffic will be in the form of videos. However, Instagram Stories’ success is one example of how simple video creation and production has become popular for digital marketing.

It is evident that short videos are on the rise, thanks to apps like TikTok and Instagram’s Reels. So, the question now is do people care about long-form videos as well?

IGTV, like YouTube, focuses on longer-form videos. But what is it about IGTV that makes it so appealing? Stay tuned to know about UGTV capabilities, as well as instructions on how to set up and manage your own IGTV account and some best practice advice.

What exactly is IGTV?

IGTV is a standalone app that may be used in conjunction with Instagram. IGTV videos are usually long that can be accessed on mobiles.

Any user can create their own channel and contribute up to an hour of video footage. The user or brand can choose whether to develop channel-specific content or link it to videos they’ve already posted on Instagram.

The primary difference between IGTV and Stories is that these films are usually between five and an hour long. Only the most popular and verified users are now permitted to create one-hour videos.

How Brands Should Use The IGTV Feature On Instagram For Digital Marketing?

You’ll like to make sure that your videos are tailored to the audience you’re targeting, just like any other social tactic.

To that goal, you’ll need to know what you’re already doing on Instagram and where it’s most useful and relevant to your digital marketing tactics.

You can also share your IGTV videos on your other channels, including, most significantly, your regular Social media channel, after you’ve posted them.

However, you need to remember that with any cross-posting activity, you first make it clear that you’re posting on IGTV and that your followers can find you there.

You have to maintain a post plan or schedule in order to fulfill your digital marketing goals. Consistency is a crucial part of social media marketing.

IGTV Feature on Instagram for Digital Marketing

Get Your Channel Started

After you’ve opted to use IGTV, you’ll need to download the app and make sure it’s available for your needs.

Then you build your channel by clicking the gear button (“Settings”). It’s worth mentioning that, like YouTube, IGTV is geared for both desktop and mobile viewing, so if you like to work or watch on your computer, this won’t be an issue.

Begin Uploading

It’s really straightforward to go into the uploading phase once you’ve set up the app and polished your bio. Keep in mind that you can’t capture video as quickly as you can on Instagram or Instagram Stories.

Use Hashtags

If you know how to use hashtags on Instagram, you’ll be able to use them on IGTV as well. For greater SEO traction, utilize only a few relevant ones and place them in the video description.

Set Dimensions

Remember to evaluate your IGTV analytics on a regular basis to get a clear picture of how your videos are working and to realign them with your major business objectives.

Remember that this is a new platform, so if the statistics are lower than you expected, you should give it some time.

Put It To The Test

If you already have a huge Instagram following and your content is video-heavy, and also for digital marketing, IGTV is probably worth at least trying out. YouTube and Stories will still operate if you haven’t started generating videos or if your videos are still short.

Keep in mind that Instagram Stories are just transitory, whereas IGTV allows you to create content that will last. So, it all depends on how much value your brand derives from a short versus a long video.

Longer videos offer longer engagement times, which means more chances for your brand to stick in someone’s mind. You also have a lot of room on IGTV for producing and sharing creative and instructional videos, which could help your company stand out.