Best 15 Digital Marketing Trends and Facts

Most of us think that digital marketing in 2022 is easy, yes, it is but you need the right strategies in order to be successful.

Digital marketing is a rapidly evolving field. Isn’t it? These digital marketing statistics can help you orient yourself and better grasp the market as new techniques emerge.

It is not an as easy or cheap way of marketing as many of you think. Keeping up with the latest trends is difficult for most firms, and some have become unwilling to invest in the approach.

Digital marketing tactics, such as search marketing, are the most effective ways for firms to stay relevant in today’s environment. These data will give you an idea of what to expect if you consider adopting digital marketing as a strategy but are unsure whether it is a wise idea.

Almost all business strategists suggest digital marketing over traditional marketing methods. Companies use digital marketing professionals to sell their products and services on the internet in order to expand their reach.

Digital marketing has numerous advantages over traditional marketing, making it more productive and cost-effective. In this article, you will get to know some facts about digital marketing.

Top 15 Facts Everyone Should Know About Digital Marketing In 2022

Know the best Digital Marketing trends in 2022

  1. To become a good digital marketer, you must first comprehend these realities and then develop your strategy. Search engines are the starting point for 90% of internet interactions. A comprehensive SEO strategy is required in order to improve your Google search rating. Although content is a medium to boost your Search Engine frequency and rating.
  2. High-quality content is the most effective aspect of SEO techniques, according to 70 percent of internet marketers. It is not enough to simply post things; you must consider the quality of the stuff you are sharing. All that you need is a short and crispy content In order to engage your audience.
  3. It is a fact that every second, Google receives more than 70,000 searches. This translates to 2 trillion annual searches.
  4. Welcome emails have an open rate of 80 percent on average. The click through rate of your emails is interlinked. As a result, the more opportunities for people to subscribe to your emails and read them, the more you communicate with the public, which boosts your conversion rate.
  5. Transactional rates for personalized emails are up to 6 times higher than for non-personalized emails. Customization will help you build trust between you and your customer, which will also boost your conversions.
  6. Approximately 60% of marketers are currently investing in Search Engine Optimization. Search engine optimization is the key to unlock your potential in digital marketing. However, organic search is the most successful distribution route for 89 percent of firms.
  7. Searches for ‘near me’ have increased by 42% year over year. According to studies, 93% of the world’s information receives no external links. It is essential to focus on relevant keywords and have a proper content marketing strategy.
  8. Google’s initial organic search results account for 32.5 percent of a search term’s traffic. A search engine is where 65 percent of internet experiences begin.
  9. Within a year of publication, only 5.7 percent of pages will rank in the top ten search results. Only one- or two-words account for 70.87 percent of monthly searches with more than 10,000 results. Google searches for ‘in stock’ have increased by 600% in the last year.
  10. Implementing digital marketing is not inexpensive. A website is a medium to enhance your marketing online and expect brand awareness. The most important step is to strengthen your social media presence. Budgeting is another really important aspect that cannot be ignored.
  11. Not everyone is suited to digital marketing. Although most firms can locate clients online, conventional marketing tactics such as pamphlets and word of mouth are superior for some consumers.
  12. Marketers who engage in analytics see a 25% increase in sales. Digital marketing is more than just placing online ads. According to marketing data, firms that track their internet initiatives and
  13. As technology and consumer behavior evolve, so does digital marketing. It is also essential to understand the consumer behavior pattern and keep evolving your consumer strategies accordingly. Marketers should ensure that their applications or websites are user-friendly and quickly accessible on all types of devices.
  14. Pay Per Click advertising greatly enhance brand recognition. You can also spread your brand awareness with the help of PPC marketing. So, from this it is evident why digital marketers often work to appear on the top of search engines.
  15. People that come to your site after clicking on your PPC advertisements are more inclined to buy something as per many surveys.


In conclusion, digital marketing is a very wide industry. PPC is one of the elements. Because of their excellent conversion rates, Pay Per Click advertising are very popular. The visitors who find your products or services through PPC ads have higher conversion rates.

The goal of digital marketing is to generate content and distribute relevant written, downloadable, and visual media to your target audience so that they can learn about your brand, expertise, and products or services.

So, it is essential to formulate a content strategy. A content marketer needs to determine the statistics and  reveal how other content marketers are addressing their target audience’s pain points and generating leads. This can help you figure out which strategies are most effective for your company, consumers, and leads.

Digital marketing can no doubt help your business progress at a rapid rate. But it is essential to keep changing with the evolving trends and technology. You need to be updated with the latest changes in marketing and upgrade your business marketing strategies. These were a few facts about the evolving industry of digital marketing in 2022.

Stay tuned to know more!