Best Methods to Boost Your Organic Page Ranking

We all love something that is real and organic. Isn’t it? In the same way, it is essential to boost your organic page ranking in order to improve your site’s traffic in digital marketing.  

Now, coming to what can help you increase your page ranking?

In this article we will discuss the top 4 ways to boost your organic page ranking:

1. Boost the Quality of Your Content

It is essential to note that content helps you retain the interest of the audience. Valuable and relevant information is a good way to keep people on your website for a longer period of time. It is also defined as dwell time.

Dwell time refers to the length of time visitors spend on your website, and it has a significant impact on your organic ranking. Visitors who find your material useful are more likely to save it in Chrome.

Among all the other browsers, Google Chrome is the most used browser, accounting for more than 40 percent of the Internet browser market.

As a result, having your website bookmarked on Chrome will increase its SEO rating. Not to mention, around 65 percent of e-marketers regard content production to be the most beneficial Search Engine Optimization tactic in digital marketing.

Organic Page Ranking

2. Enhance the Speed of Your Page Load Time

For starters, Google detects your site’s crawling speed, which lowers its organic ranking.

It is necessary to note that a poor pace degrades client conversion rates and increases your company’s desertion rates. The second reason is related to the first in those visitors who do not interact with your website result in a drop in search engine ranking.

As per Amazon’s calculations, slow page load times cost businesses more than $1.5 billion in lost sales each year. As per the data received from various studies, if a page takes longer than 4 seconds to load, 50% of visitors would abandon the site. Furthermore, 75% of users do not come to a website that takes too long to load.

3. Images Should Be Optimised

Images are only used to seek the attention of your audience. It’s no surprise that photos have the reputation of speaking louder than words.

While it’s a good idea to include high-quality photographs on your website, there are ways to optimize images for faster page load times.

According to a recent survey, half of the internet visitors expect a page to load in less than two seconds. If a website takes longer than 3 seconds to load, around 40% of visitors will abandon it.

So, it is important to optimize your images in order to practice successful digital marketing.

Photos in a website make up about 50 percent of a website’s weight. If you don’t optimize your website images, your page may load slowly, which will give your visitors a negative impression of your site.

Image optimization is critical for e-commerce, blog, portfolio, travel, and media websites, among others.

4. Make Use of Header Tags

If your website’s content does not match the qualities and guidelines of search engines then it is likely that such text is unappealing to the eye and fails to appear in the top pages. It shows that your content is not capturing the reader’s interest.

So, what next can be done to solve this? Worry not! If any such case occurs, proper formatting is the remedy to it. Proper formatting no doubt improves the customer experience and help you practice an effective digital marketing strategy.

Most importantly, it also encourages visitors to spend more time on your site each time they come. No doubt users can also integrate intentions of returning to a website with reading content into their plans. All of these variables have an impact on your organic ranking.

Lastly, it is good to use suitable header tags as a technique to this purpose.

These divide the text into sections, making it easier to read. You can also use your heading to include keywords, as search engines will happily rank terms in your header tag.

So, these were the top 4 ways to boost your organic page ranking in digital marketing.