Promote Your Business on Instagram

Among all the social media channels Instagram is one of the popular mediums for brand promotion and digital marketing.

Instagram is widely used nowadays for various purposes. There are many start-ups preferring to promote their business on Instagram and drive a good amount of traffic via social media marketing.

It is not that you need to have a license or business card to promote on Instagram. All you need for promotion is a good strategy and content.

Anyone planning to start a business can use social media for branding and promotion as it offers you the best resources to feature your company.

Here are 5 best methods to create your brand on Instagram:

1. Social Media Influencer

This is one of the most common ways to use Instagram to promote your brand. You should look for influencer accounts with a significant number of followers on the platform.

One more important thing is to ensure that these persons are relevant to your industry. For brand promotion you should approach them to see if they are willing to ‘shout-out’ your company on their page.

Depending on the number of followers they have, they may be able to do this for free. You might even strike a barter deal with them in which you promote their account in exchange for them promoting yours.

2. Professional Photographs

The quality of your photographs and video content is critical in establishing your brand’s desired reputation. While sharing product photographs on your Instagram feed, you could engage a professional photographer.

Use a good camera to click pictures of your product and share compelling content related to your brand.

You can also edit your photos and make it look contemporary by using Instagram image filters. You can learn which filters work best by looking at rival articles. The standard picture size for Instagram post is 1080px by 1080px.

Top 5 Ways to Promote Your Business on Instagram

3. Organize competitions

Instagram contests are undoubtedly the best means to get your followers to interact with you more. Organizing competitions is the best way to boost your social media marketing strategy.

It is essential to create a contest hashtag and then encourage potential participants to post eye-catching photographs with a unique caption using the hashtag.

For more engagement, choose a few winners and award them with prizes that they desire. These could be items such as branded gadgets, jewellery or anything else that the target audience expect from your brand.

4. Make use of geo-tagging and make a teaser for your branding

Instagram offers you an incredible feature to include the location of your photographs in your Instagram postings.

This feature can be used to mark the location of an event in which your company is participating or organizing. The tool also aids in presenting your company’s location. You can even get your contest participants to use this function if the contest is held at your place of business.

You can create anticipation for impending contests, events, or product launches by posting posts that only hint at what’s to come.

Also, to increase engagement around a specific event, you might invite your followers to make a guess. The strategy works well for creating buzz among your prospects and fans.

5. Plan Out Your Posts

Later makes it simple to schedule Instagram posts. You can use the tool to share content from your desktop. This tool is completely free to use. Make a note of which posting times garner the most views and engagement so that you may improve your scheduling in the future.

Hashtags are the most effective approach to get Instagram search traffic. To increase the exposure of your posts, you should create and use a maximum of 3-5 hashtags in the caption.


Content is the most exciting part of any digital marketing strategy. The more interesting your content is the greater number of people who will look out for your brand.

It is important to make sure you use the right words and relevant content to advertise your products/services. Do not use tough words or complex sentences because it will not fetch you any audience.

Be simple, meaningful and kind to your customers. Find out your potential audience and try to convince them about your products/services. All you need is an effective communication strategy to engage your visitors.